CBF – Chin Chin
Sometimes it’s nice to just hang out and make something because it’s fun. I made a fast super cut of the Cat Bear crew’s required toast. Enjoy. Chin Chin! [Warning some explicit language]

inkwellthy redesign
One of the challenges of being a designer while having a regular day job is the extended time it takes to complete a project. Spending ten hours a day in one job has a tendency to deflate your mental capacity for creativity. Usually I try to spend at least 12 hours a week creating something – either personal or client-related. But that still means, unless I really buckle down, completion dates are typically set further out. Worse, some projects are forced to take a back seat for an extended period. And I mean like a way way way back seat; think the MORE

Learning lessons with audio
If you read my bio on the front page you’ll know I have a background in journalism. My focus was in digital media so I learned a lot of different skills when it comes to reporting. I’ve done broadcast, print, web, radio. You name it I’ve at the very least dabbled in it. In spite of all of this one thing I’ve always struggled with is audio. I mean, I get the basic premise – I’m not a total dummy. I know how to connect and use a microphone. I can do some simple audio editing in Logic or Pro MORE

My Design Space
I’m a firm believer that practicality trumps aesthetics when push comes to shove. If you have to make a decision between form and function, go for function – because pretty is probably not going to cut it. With that in mind I thought it might be useful to present my work space and what tools I use to do my design / writing. I’ll also include links to some of the products I really enjoy using or rely on heavily (or both). As I said earlier, I’m a practical kind of guy, a practical guy that values a jam-packed tool belt. I like MORE

Cat Bear Time-lapse
Dammnnn Cat Bear. Back at it again with weird snackszzzzsss!!! To say the least our last filming session was a bit of a digestive marathon. Nonetheless, it’s always a good night when you get an opportunity to eat-slash-drink some interesting grub – especially with good friends. Granted we had to power through some of the less appetizing ones. But I’ll let ya’ll enjoy our misery in the upcoming videos. Stay tuned to Cat Bear’s YouTube channel: Cat Bear Films In the meantime – enjoy this sped-up version.

Sanford Harmony Project
The Sanford Harmony project was created to help establish more cooperative and collaborative learning behaviors in young children. This is a video I help create as a promotional tool to help explain the mission statement at a seminar for the project. The client wanted something a bit more long form that would be more dynamic than a narrator reading a script. We decided to go with a textual video that used music and attention-grabbing images to share the goals of this philanthropic organization.

Demo Reel – 2012
This is the demo reel I made that includes some of the projects I created while in school and from my stretch as a video editor for the Arizona Republic.

Black History Month Intro
This was the intro I created for a project for the State Press during my time at Arizona State. It was a week long video series celebrating Black History. This was from my really early days as video editor when I was really trying to hone my skills at pacing and audio synchronization.

CGI Test – Moon Jump
Cinematic effects are always fun to try and implement. This is another sequence I created for a SuckerPunch spoof using After Effects.

Bullet Open CGI test
I’m consistently learning to add new skills to my tool belt as a motion designer. I’ve usually use After Effects as a tool to create text or logo based graphics but on occasion I stretch out and create something a bit more cinematic. As is the case with this video. It’s the opening sequence for short spoof on the movie Sucker Punch I created with my friend Joseph Lao a few years ago. Just about everything here was created in After Effects with the exception of the bullet which was created using Blender.